In this shiur, the final shiur delivered to the Shana Bet of Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains (based on a piece from Rav Wolbe zt"l) why Yosef HaTzaddik is singled out as having lived in Mitzrayim. The same Yosef HaTzaddik who was a shepherd for his father, is the same Yosef HaTzaddik who is a king in Mitzrayim. How do we stay authentic irrespective of our environment? In this shiur Rav Burg speaks about how Yaakov lived a broad life while Eisav lived a dual life. Yosef, through his Middah of Seder, was the foil for Eisav and stayed true to himself even in the depths of depravity in Mitzrayim.
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